Greece: lots of important rocks!
this post is going to take me forever to write.
and look y'all, I took a LOT of photos so I'm not even going to try to sort through them or even delete the blurry ones etc, here's a google photo album (CONTENT WARNING: there are some photos of naked statues, mostly male. If that's a problem for you, click through with caution but they are mostly further down in the album)


this was the least nice hotel room we stayed in, just to give you an idea ok

important souvenier
I know there are specific things I ought to talk about but like ...there's a LOT of stuff we did in Greece and it's sort of overwhelming to think about summing it up tbhhhhh.

I will be posting sometime tonight or tomorrow what I have done over the last two weeks as well, sorry this post sucks!! I will try to add some stuff below as I have time/energy


Our first stop was in the north in the 2nd largest city in Greece. One notable event from our time there was a boat trip on what we dubbed "the booze cruise" I think basically all of us did it. The idea is the ride is free but you have to buy a drink (presumably alcoholic). I think they hated us by the time I got there in like the fourth giant group of mormons who only ordered waters and juices haha.

Philippi and Lydia
one of our first stops was a Greek Orthodox church commemorating the baptism of Lydia, the first named convert in Europe. She was such a rad lady!!!

Also Philippi is a cool city with some ruins and I sang at the theatre there that has some rad acoustics. Great job greeks


YO MONKS LIVE A CRAZY LIFE IN SOME PARTS OF GREECE OK. like the ones who live atop a sliver of a mountain
