Two week catchup: Shawty got LOW and Midterm Madness Meltdown
I was worried this would happen. The computers weren't connecting to the internet for some reason last sabbath so I wasn't able to finish my post on Greece or write about that week and this week was midterms which meant I was ONE THOUSAND PERCENT WRECKED the entire time. But not the storm is finally clearing and I maybe have time to write a little bit. Week the First Monday & Tuesday we did not go on a field trip the day after returning to Greece. I think I slept a bunch and suffered trying to adjust back to doing homework. Also rehearsed for the talent show coming up! FIELD TRIP: Jericho! As you maybe know (I didn't before I came here so I'm guessing not but I don't want to assume), Jericho is in the West Bank, which is territory that has a LOT going on politically (feel free to read the wikipedia article I linked, I don't feel like I know enough about everything to even try to explain/expound that entire situation). Anyway we only go to the West ...