
Showing posts from June 11, 2017

?????? Mystery post I am unable to come up with a clever title to

ok I feel like a lot of fun things happened this week, let's see if my brain can recall what all of them are!! Monday! SHOPPING PARTY TIMES. Because we had our field trip on Sunday we had our free day on monday. I went with a rather large group of people that eventually whittled down and we went basically all over the place to shop. I mostly looked at stuff (and got good ideas for things to get later before I come home) but then we went to this dress store called Zoya's that sell super cheap cute dresses and skirts and stuff anD BOUGHT SO MANY THINGS :00000000 Tuesday! another day when we had basically all of our classes WHAT A SLOG. In the evening we had the formal talent show! I sang Pie Jesu with my roommate Hannah who is awesome and our voices blend together so nice and there were so many other performances that were seriously so good and I very much enjoyed. CHECKMEOUTINMYCUTEZOYADRESS.jpg Wednesday! welllllllllllll I was signed up to give blood but guess who i...

Yad Vashem

Content Warning for discussion of genocide and the Holocaust