Final floop

TODAY WAS THE FINAL COUNTDOWN. actually that sentence makes no sense. Today is Saturday where there was no work done. however, ,,, this last week was finals. hooray. Actually they went a lot better than I could have ever hoped, but I was WWWWWREEECCCCKKKKEEDDDD by the end of it all. Also this week my body decided to fall apart but it's fine.

In spite of the finals meltdown I did get out and do some fun stuff!

this is St. Stephen's Basilica in East Jerusalem and possibly the most beautiful church I've visited yet in the holy land

also because it's in a weird spot and you have to ring a doorbell to be let inside, there was basically no one there.

the art in this basilica is so beautiful
that was on one outing. The next day or so I went to the Pater Noster church up near our house that has the Lord's prayer in over a hundred languages, inCLUDING uppáhalds tungumálið mitt, Íslenska!!!!
Another day I went with a couple people to Zedekiah's cave which is right underneath the current Old City and discovered some very random things
why is there a piano in this cave.

I later discovered that the piano is part of the LIGHT SHOW! that is going on in Jerusalem this weekend. We were able to go to it and we're going to go again tomorrow! what UPPPP

google fiber coming to you soon Jeru

this door was not really part of the light show but look at how beautiful it is!!!!!! I'm pretty sure it's an entrance to a synagogue but I'm not sure
Today! Real Saturday (it is, bTW a christmas miracle that I'm whipping this out so fast right now, just like how I was somehow able to actually do well on my Palestine final) we went tonight to St. George's Cathedral which is Episcopalian for evening prayers and it was so nice! When we got there there was only the Priest and the Chaplin of the church. So I'm glad the seven of us decided to come so they wouldn't be alone. They were both so nice too and we had a great conversation with them afterward. One thing I loved was how the Priest shared with us that the most spiritual experience she has had in the Holy Land was at the Orson Hyde Memorial Garden, which was very touching!

ok that's all we out BYE YALL WE OUT TO JORDAN THIS WEEK!!!!

look at us matching dresses
