my fifteen seconds of internet fame

great statue of Constantine 10/10 would waifu

matesss what even happened to me this week I couldn't tell you what. I feel like it was actually a relatively calm week? Which is to say we still did tons of stuff but compared to field trips all day erreday in Galilee, this was nothing. ALSO I CANOT EVEN HANDLE THAT TIME IS RUNNING SO SHORT. aaaaaaaaaah. on the one hand I'm excited to get to see friends and family from home once again but on the other hand JERUUUUUU I LOVE UUUUUUU.

Sunday: Ein Kereem and Bells!
Actually I did bells first but I'll post about that after this.

WE WALKED ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD. it was not my fave. but we explored this cute town outside Jerusalem called Ein Kereem where John the Baptist was born and checked out some churches there!

OK BUT ALSO we went to this giant hospital that I am NoT even kidding straight up HAD A SHOPPING MALL INSIDE IT. a shopping mall to shop at. inside. a hospital.
great floor

all the Romanian!

We also saw the Chagall windows in the Synagogue in the hospital at Ein Kereem. Each of the 12 windows represents one of the tribes of Israel and this orange window was Joseph, all of them are very cool

sorry this pic is blurry :((

Jael and Judith who I wrote my literary analysis paper on haha
Before that stuff though we went to the Carillon Bells once again. In the interim of whenever I played there last I arranged a song from The Adventure Zone (one of the podcasts I listen to) and played it on the bells!!! I posted it on the fb page and at this moment it has more than 800 likes! Pretty cool!!
I wrote my blog post from last week haha. I seriously don't remember what else I did that day I'm not even joking. I feel like I did something but idk what. well, if I remember I'll come back and write it in

WAIT I THINK I WENT SHOPPINGS. that's whats up I got stuff to bring home. IT was not my fave thing. I bartered for the first (and hopefully last) time and if I never have to do that again it will be too soon.

After classes and the normal stuff some of us went to some churches!! Including Notre Dame/Shroud of Turin exhibit, French Hospital and of course good old Holy Sepulcher. While at Holy Sepulcher we participated in a Franciscan procession around the church which was really cool. This procession has gone on daily for over a thousand years!! Pretty neat.
at the French Hospital

very large tank

outside the Chapel at Notre Dame, I just really liked this little John the Baptist statue

back at French hospital
oh how the memory fails the brain. All I remember doing was the Kotel Tunnel fieldtrip, which was very cool. The kotel tunnel is excavations of the Western wall of the temple mount/Haram al Sharif.
where the Kotel (Western Wall) meets an arch or something I don't even remember
we also got to briefly be at the western wall at night which is very rare and very cool

Thursday! Field Trip!
I was having a not great day :/ but we saw some cool stuff, including but not limited to, some ruins from the destruction of the 2nd temple period!, excavations south of the Haram al Sharif/Temple Mount!, The Hurva synagogue, and a really old wall that Hezekiah built.

southern end of the Western Wall, where the pinnacle of the temple (you know from the story of Jesus being tempted) is

inside the Hurva Synagogue

ruined mansions destroyed by the Romans
Sort of a chill day except I was trying to write my paperrrrr which took forever but the important thing is that it's done.

Sabbath (that's today!)
you're not supposed to take picture in the auditorium (which acts as chapel on sabbath) but clearly this situation was dire

Also everyone is listening to Lamb of God tonight and referring to it as a musical. ItS aN ORATORIO. get it right you philistines.

sorry this blog post is boring bye!
